Hi !!~L0l ..jz nw our archery academy is hvin its 8th anual christmas tournament..
WELL~i'm takin part t0o xD..i to0k part in d compound type..well others r like recurve..
8tualy i'm d onli teenager in d compound category..d others r '0lder' ppl..cz compound usualy played by much more 'matured' man..L0l i'm d 1st teenager in d academy FYI!!*proud* xD
s0 we sho0t frm 9.30am till 2.30pm in d state stadium..well..i din manage 2 get 1st out of 10 but 8 least i din get last!!=X i get 8th place == bt still satisfied cz i won 2 seniors!! *perasan*
TRUE!!c0z i onli trained compound 4 2 weeks lidat..adi gt tis kind of result adi "n0t bad" lia0~ahaha..okok stop blabling n show u guys sum pictures~
L0l~i w0n.......8th place =.=

t0p 1 is d compound cat' n btm 1 gt alots of kids 1 is d recurve cat'

Gr0up pics wit d members n parents etc~
Vodka <3 Lov3r updated at /
- 1:25 AM