I tink its time 4 me 2 update my dead blog -.- Its been a while since I touch it Coz v lazy upload photo. But nvm lah, its a blog 4 bloody sake =______= Juz came back frm Selangor 2 weeks ago. Hmmmm.. 8tually I'm not stayin in KL. I stayed in Serdang which Serdang is a small suburb near Seremban, I think xDD BTW, I get SICK thr!! OMFG!! I thought I got infected by H1N1 coz I hav all d sympthoms u need 2 get H1N1 -.- I rili suffered like hell man. U cnt imagine. I got high FEVER, FLU, SORE THROAT, HEADACHE 4 like few days(non stop), VOMITING etc.. Luckily I don hav body ache & breathing problem. Otherwise 100%+10% comfirm I got H1N1 dy. Conclusion= NO H1N1. Come 2 me earthlings, I m ur fren. Dun b scare coz I DUN HAVE H1N1 4 GOD'S SAKE!!! == LOL!! Ignore dat xD Next, d competition is held in UPM(University Putra M'sia) which is quite near 2 our "hotel". Speaking of hotel, I get rili pissed off!!! Coz d hotel room + toilet is like SMALLER DHEN MY ROOM ok???????!!!! WTF & we hav 2 squize ourself 2 fit in dat room. So d sport council ask some FAT ASS 2 find 1 hotel. & dis is wad he can find?? CIBAI LAH!! =( & dat FAT ASS himself stayed in DELUXE room all by himself & we hav 2 share?? NOT 2 PERSON BUT 3 PERSON!! RILI RILI EXTREAMLY FUCKED UP!!! Picture will do all d talking later so bare in mind dat never let some FAT ASS 2 find a hotel 4 u. Nxt its d competition agn. Haizz.. Kinda sad honestly. Coz S'wak only took back 1 bronze. But d good part is, d 1 hu took back d bronze medal was frm KUCHING~ =D Thr are 3 places dat represent S'wak 2 d UPM open. Mainly Kuching, Miri & Lawas. Well, meet lots of new buddies~ =DDD V V V happy wit it!! Those hu r frm Miri are extreamly frenly~ But, I'm not dat close 2 Lawas 1. If u wan reason, it will b dat dey cnt rili communicate in English & honestly its hard 4 me 2 make frens wit dem eventhough me myself can speak BM -.- Also, I met my SIFU. His a senior archer which is really really good in archery. & BTW, his a world ranking compound archer @@ OMG!! I'm v honoured 2 hav him as my SIFU. TQ V MUCH UNCLE MIKE~4 all ur guidance & advices on archery =D Next its our outing~ We went 2 several shopping malls after d last day of shooting. Thr is 1 huge shopping complex behind our hotel. It's quite famous 8tually but 4 those hu r frm S'wak & Sabah may not noe dis 1. D name of it is "Mines Wonderland". D cool part of dis mall is thrs a river INSIDE D MALL!! YES!! INSIDE D MALL! cool rite?? & thrs boot services dat can bring u & ur family cruise around d mall 4 a quite cheap rate. & thr is also a BIG LAKE nxt 2 dis mall. WOOTS~ Besides dis mall, oso went 2 MidValley & The Gardens. Errmm.. Nth much 8tually. Get bored of MidValley alrdy. Went thr mostly ev time when i come 2 KL. But The Garden is something fresh 2 me coz it's quite new. & surprisingly dat dey only sell branded stuffs. @@ On d 2nd last day of our trip. We went 2 Sunway Pyramid. Now dis mall i will nvr get bored of. Its so damn big dat u cnt even walk finish in 1 afternoon =.= Went 2 try d Ice Skating wit frens. 1st of all, I will like 2 SALUTE 2 those pro ice skaters!! =D Ice Skating is v v v HARD!! Bloody hell I'm fat agn!! zzz Seriously, it's v hard 2 balance d skating shoes -.- FYI, I felt down 4 1 time only!! YAY~ XD While others felt down 4 so many time alrdy =X Ok liao lah.. I noe u ppl hav been craving 4 d photos but not me crapping here all d time. So here it is~

D biggest Sofa in d world @ Sunway Pyramid

Us at Sunway Lagoon look out point

Dno wad thg in Sunway Lagoon

Sunway Lagoon~

Same ==

KIAA crew inside Sunway Pyramid

Me & 2 sekia outside d skating arena

Inside d arena

I'm through playin ice skating =(

It's fun looking at dem 2 fall XDD

MSN S'wak group photo

My BIG ROOM.. Be Jealous~

Dis is me while I'm heavily sick -.-

My sifu~

Me & my target face

Me & my lane mate

Sifu & me *Honoured*

Concentrating? =X

Me & my lovely bow~

Same competition diff cloth =.=

Eileen(Miri) d sharp shooter~

Herman gogogo!

Faris is d yellow shirt kid

While retrieving

KIAA kia inside d bus after sate Kajang

Michelle - Eileen - Jerry

Jia Wen - Midin - Me

Mr Antique & me~

Sate Kajang~D best sate I ever eaten =D''

On our way 2 eat sate Kajang

Me n Dad after opening ceremony

MSN group photo after opening ceremony

Me inside d hall after ceremony

MSN S'wak during opening ceremony

MSN S'wak~ while waitin 4 d bus 2 come

Me & Jason outside d tunel which located outside Mines Wonderland

Me & Dad. Same spot

KIAA kaki. Same spot
Dis is Mines Wonderland~ Be amazed~ *Gasp*

Me at d other side of Mines Wonderland

Me, behind d boat service stop.
Yea.. Dats all man~ Enjoy it. It took me 1 hour 2 do dis post =.=
Vodka <3 Lov3r updated at /
- 7:08 PM