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(I'm BACK!~)
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Its been awhile since I last wrote my super duper dead blog. Sigh.
Time flies by so quickly. Didn't noticed that my blog is dead since last August. More Sigh(s). :(
Currently in Form 5. Academic & Sport is my priority, for now.
I mean, come on. Without any of this 2 things, life wouldnt get to be so easy.
Let's think for future :D
But sadly, as a human being. We keep on saying that we must be appreciative. But ending up, we are craving for more stuff to fullfill our satisfaction.
"Satisfaction". There is no satisfaction in this world. Seriously.
When we first crave for things that we love most. After achieving it, WE JUST WANT MORE.
There is no end of it. Same goes to me.
I like to take things for granted. But i keep on telling people that, appreciate what you have now.
Hyprocrite much? >:S
Okay, let's talk about things happened not tooooo long ago. :)
On January, friends gave Sarah & I surprise birthday party. Erm.. Not to say a real party.
Just a simple & cozzy friends birthday party that we always held in the classroom :D
Thanks alot guys for the Spongebob(doll?)! Though I'm a guy, but I'm still happy to receive it from you guys & Evon, your acting skill reeks! No offence :PP

This is the most prosperous month among the other 11 months.
Its because it is the month of the Chinese New Year!
Chinese New Year this year was quite fun.
Been visiting friends house mostly every day.
Gosh! There is food everyway!! I have been eating all day-long.
I mean like NON-STOP!
Ohh jeeeez!! I did not mention about 1 more priority. That would be Fitness.
Yes fitness. As I was saying to all my good pals that this year, THE YEAR OF 2010.
I will control my diet by doing exercise and eat the right food probably everyday? :X
But it seems to me that this is not going to happen if I keep on eating as if there is no tomorrow. GOSH.
Well its too bad! Kuching possesess tooooooo many good food :(
The food is like staring at me & it is like saying "Come eat me, I'm yours~"
ughhh.. BEH TAHAN. LOL
Oh well, Its just a quarter of the year. I still have 3 quarters left! So bless me!

The 1st week of March. I wasn't going to school.
& I do not have the intension to skip school either FYI.
Coz I was at Terengganu for archery competition.
Although I did not win any medal( Like always). But I did achieved my goal :)
And that makes me feel satisfied already.
The state was ok. Quite religious.
Food was nice. They are famous for their Leko & Keropok.
Beaches!! Blue sky, white sands, Ru trees and sea shells all over thr place.
Its totally a paradise~ Nothing is better than that when we can just lay down and enjoy the chilling sea breeze in the evening, watching sun set and also enjoying the people playing their famous wau~ ITS JUST NICE.
The sad part is after the competition when I come back to Kuching, I have to sit for my exam the next day :(
Oh well, since I did not study anything, I'll literally flunk it.

I think that is just about it.
Btw, I'm going to Kedah for competition again the week after next week.

Vodka <3 Lov3r updated at /
- 8:47 PM

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I dno wad thing came 2 me, but suddenly i felt like being a photographer.
I wana be a photographer as in a hobby. NOT A JOB k people.
It feels fun expecially when ur taking photos of mother nature/people/things dat happened around u.
SIGH!! TT nid a new camera. Mine is like normal digital camera.
I need d real deal. Like Canon EOS 500D!! If I got dat kind of camera, sure I will bcm a photographer =X
Dream on bah~ Unless, I chg my digital camera wit my sis's EOS 400D. She might wana chg coz she owes keep on complaining about how heavy dat camera is.
*Finger cross* Hopefully it will happen bah~

Vodka <3 Lov3r updated at /
- 5:07 AM

(KL trip update)
Saturday, August 8, 2009

I tink its time 4 me 2 update my dead blog -.- Its been a while since I touch it Coz v lazy upload photo. But nvm lah, its a blog 4 bloody sake =______= Juz came back frm Selangor 2 weeks ago. Hmmmm.. 8tually I'm not stayin in KL. I stayed in Serdang which Serdang is a small suburb near Seremban, I think xDD BTW, I get SICK thr!! OMFG!! I thought I got infected by H1N1 coz I hav all d sympthoms u need 2 get H1N1 -.- I rili suffered like hell man. U cnt imagine. I got high FEVER, FLU, SORE THROAT, HEADACHE 4 like few days(non stop), VOMITING etc.. Luckily I don hav body ache & breathing problem. Otherwise 100%+10% comfirm I got H1N1 dy. Conclusion= NO H1N1. Come 2 me earthlings, I m ur fren. Dun b scare coz I DUN HAVE H1N1 4 GOD'S SAKE!!! == LOL!! Ignore dat xD Next, d competition is held in UPM(University Putra M'sia) which is quite near 2 our "hotel". Speaking of hotel, I get rili pissed off!!! Coz d hotel room + toilet is like SMALLER DHEN MY ROOM ok???????!!!! WTF & we hav 2 squize ourself 2 fit in dat room. So d sport council ask some FAT ASS 2 find 1 hotel. & dis is wad he can find?? CIBAI LAH!! =( & dat FAT ASS himself stayed in DELUXE room all by himself & we hav 2 share?? NOT 2 PERSON BUT 3 PERSON!! RILI RILI EXTREAMLY FUCKED UP!!! Picture will do all d talking later so bare in mind dat never let some FAT ASS 2 find a hotel 4 u. Nxt its d competition agn. Haizz.. Kinda sad honestly. Coz S'wak only took back 1 bronze. But d good part is, d 1 hu took back d bronze medal was frm KUCHING~ =D Thr are 3 places dat represent S'wak 2 d UPM open. Mainly Kuching, Miri & Lawas. Well, meet lots of new buddies~ =DDD V V V happy wit it!! Those hu r frm Miri are extreamly frenly~ But, I'm not dat close 2 Lawas 1. If u wan reason, it will b dat dey cnt rili communicate in English & honestly its hard 4 me 2 make frens wit dem eventhough me myself can speak BM -.- Also, I met my SIFU. His a senior archer which is really really good in archery. & BTW, his a world ranking compound archer @@ OMG!! I'm v honoured 2 hav him as my SIFU. TQ V MUCH UNCLE MIKE~4 all ur guidance & advices on archery =D Next its our outing~ We went 2 several shopping malls after d last day of shooting. Thr is 1 huge shopping complex behind our hotel. It's quite famous 8tually but 4 those hu r frm S'wak & Sabah may not noe dis 1. D name of it is "Mines Wonderland". D cool part of dis mall is thrs a river INSIDE D MALL!! YES!! INSIDE D MALL! cool rite?? & thrs boot services dat can bring u & ur family cruise around d mall 4 a quite cheap rate. & thr is also a BIG LAKE nxt 2 dis mall. WOOTS~ Besides dis mall, oso went 2 MidValley & The Gardens. Errmm.. Nth much 8tually. Get bored of MidValley alrdy. Went thr mostly ev time when i come 2 KL. But The Garden is something fresh 2 me coz it's quite new. & surprisingly dat dey only sell branded stuffs. @@ On d 2nd last day of our trip. We went 2 Sunway Pyramid. Now dis mall i will nvr get bored of. Its so damn big dat u cnt even walk finish in 1 afternoon =.= Went 2 try d Ice Skating wit frens. 1st of all, I will like 2 SALUTE 2 those pro ice skaters!! =D Ice Skating is v v v HARD!! Bloody hell I'm fat agn!! zzz Seriously, it's v hard 2 balance d skating shoes -.- FYI, I felt down 4 1 time only!! YAY~ XD While others felt down 4 so many time alrdy =X Ok liao lah.. I noe u ppl hav been craving 4 d photos but not me crapping here all d time. So here it is~

D biggest Sofa in d world @ Sunway Pyramid

Us at Sunway Lagoon look out point

Dno wad thg in Sunway Lagoon

Sunway Lagoon~

Same ==

KIAA crew inside Sunway Pyramid

Me & 2 sekia outside d skating arena

Inside d arena

I'm through playin ice skating =(

It's fun looking at dem 2 fall XDD

MSN S'wak group photo

My BIG ROOM.. Be Jealous~

Dis is me while I'm heavily sick -.-

My sifu~

Me & my target face

Me & my lane mate

Sifu & me *Honoured*

Concentrating? =X

Me & my lovely bow~

Same competition diff cloth =.=

Eileen(Miri) d sharp shooter~

Herman gogogo!

Faris is d yellow shirt kid

While retrieving

KIAA kia inside d bus after sate Kajang

Michelle - Eileen - Jerry

Jia Wen - Midin - Me

Mr Antique & me~

Sate Kajang~D best sate I ever eaten =D''

On our way 2 eat sate Kajang

Me n Dad after opening ceremony

MSN group photo after opening ceremony

Me inside d hall after ceremony

MSN S'wak during opening ceremony

MSN S'wak~ while waitin 4 d bus 2 come

Me & Jason outside d tunel which located outside Mines Wonderland

Me & Dad. Same spot

KIAA kaki. Same spot

Dis is Mines Wonderland~ Be amazed~ *Gasp*

Me at d other side of Mines Wonderland

Me, behind d boat service stop.

Yea.. Dats all man~ Enjoy it. It took me 1 hour 2 do dis post =.=

Vodka <3 Lov3r updated at /
- 7:08 PM

(KL trip + competition)
Monday, July 20, 2009

Will leave my ass off 2 KL 2mr early in d morning 4 archery competition purpose.
Wun b back till nxt Monday night. So wish me luck 4 my tournie so dat I could at least get 1 medal back 4 d state! =D
Haha.. Alot ppl thought dat d reason dat I'm goin 2 KL is bcs of d super mega KL sale....NOT!!
Seriously NOT gona shoppin.. Bo lui oso lah =( Mayb juz go Midvalley 2 hav a small shoppin only.. Maybe not TT
So, I will b stayin 8 at a hotel near University Putra Malaysia(UPM), d Uni whr my bro went 4 his degree course.
Probally will gona meet him soon.
Ok, it's quite late now. & I'm goin 2 take my rest 4 now as I muz arrive 8 d airport 8 about 7.30am @@''
So cya all in 1 week~ =)

Vodka <3 Lov3r updated at /
- 7:53 AM

(cute couple pups)

Yea people!! I had 2 new pups few days ago frm my brother in-law. ^^
Both r twins & d breeds r Maltis~
Cute ryte?? I adore it..ALOT. =D
It's so cute dat u will feel like eat em' up *Just Joking* lols
Male's name is Popeye while female's is Olivia~ hahaha.. Well dat gav em those names` Kinda lame though.. But still CUTE ryte??
haha~ =D

Vodka <3 Lov3r updated at /
- 2:54 AM

(2 days of freedom?)
Thursday, July 16, 2009

As d title stated above.
I'm now havin 2 days off frm school due to sports day, so yea.
I'm not really dat free coz I've got trainings 2 attent.
Yesterday was 1st day of sports day, I did not take part in any events as usual.
Sports day suck, literaly, for me of coz xD
As GRSS sports is not dat active if compared 2 other schools like Kuching Town, Kuching High etc.
Our school is more like aiming 4 gud results towards academics. U noe lah..our principal -.- so diuzz. ==
So, went 4 archery training early in d morning like 8.30am -.- at d archery field outside Stadium Sarawak as usual.
Dhen go back 8 10.30am lidat. B4 heading home, accompany dad 2 pay his assurance & went 2 civic centre 2 take his letter thggy.
Rest till 2pm dhen head back training agn.
Dhen when we arrive thr, Jason & I went 2 d old stadium juz 2 hav a "peek" on our school's sports day ==
Dhen saw some familiar scout faces frm Kimberly "Anne"s frenster/blog. Their havin duty in d indoor stadium 4 d karate event.(U can read d Borneo Post 2 noe more about dis event)
8tualy, nth much happen la ytday.

Today, my dad & I went out frm 9.30am till 5.00pm baru go home =.= aide.. so tired lo -.-
We went 2 pick up Uncle Andre, dad's fren frm Australia 8 Samudra hotel 8 Satok thr.
Dhen we went to 1 famous Indian cafe called "Buhari Cafe" also 8 Satok area.
They r famous 4 their Briyani rice but we try out d curry noodles instead. It was fabulous!! =D
Dhen we drive all d way 2 Serian(wtf) juz 2 show Uncle Andre our lil suburb here in Sarawak =.=
Of coz, we had lunch thr. Dhen after dat, we went back 2 Kuching agn.
Went 2 dad's fren, Uncle Guan's house 2 eat durian. LOL =X
Uncle Andre is so anxious 2 eat fresh durians as thr is no fresh durian in Australia. How sad ==
I had 2 new dogs comin in juz right now & i wana rush 2 c it. Recently my dogs r barking 8 dis innocent hounds =.=
So basically, its lik dis lah. Sorry no pics, coz bz eating, no time 2 take pics xD
So tats it! Enjoy d post =D

Vodka <3 Lov3r updated at /
- 2:21 AM

(Soi Soi day -.-)
Saturday, July 11, 2009

1st thg I wana say is pls ignore my vulgarness coz 2day damn soi lah!!
Coz juz nw 8.20+pm lidat me & sis went 2 Tun Jugah coz i wana buy new bottle mah..
Dhen mana tau dat sis cnt find her car key. So she hav 2 use dad's car instead of her's.
Ev thg went smoothly until we reach d carpark dat located behind pizza hut.
Ohya, my dad's car's alarm system spoilt few days ago so we hav 2 manually lock d car door.
At 1st i ask sis 2 close d door as soon as she leave d engine dead.
Dhen she totally forgot 2 take d keys out frm d car.
Well, I din even notice dat. So end up we lock d keys in d car.
So zzz k.. We park our car 8 about 8.35pm. Dhen we'r like OH SHIT!! WAD 2 DO?? x2
Coz we dun dare 2 tell our dad d truth so I called my dad which he is in his fren's house dad time.
I ask :"Dad, whrs ur other spare key?"
Dad re:"I dno boh. Y u wan it?"
I re:"Nolah 8tually. Coz Jilly(sis) could not find her car key so we need 2 use urs. -.-"
Dad:"Oh, I tink d spare key is in d service closet. Dat day i seperate d keys & it is now apart frm each other."
I'm like WTF lah!! Tiok BOMB dy laH!! sure die -.-
Dhen i quickly phone my mom 2 find d spare key.
Later, me & sis headed 2 TJ 2 buy my bottle dhen we quickly go back 2 d carpark 2 find other solution dy.
Sadly, thrs no solution o wadsoever. So I end up callin dad agn 2 tell him d truth.
Luckily his still in his fren's house so he juz keep repeatin "OMG" word -.-
Dhen we juz wait & wait & wait. We waited in 1 coffee shop 4 like 1.30hour dhen my dad called agn.
He ask us 2 wait infront of d car. Dhen 10mins later, he arrived & he gave us his spare key which i dno whr he found it & leave immediately.
Me & sis was like "DIE lo..go back home later sure tiok bomb 99" -__________-
Dhen after we reach home.. He din scold us o anythg..@@ OMG, wad a miracle dat he din even scold us =.=
He juz said 1 word "U guys are a burdon 2 me" =(
sigh sigh sigh =[
Dat is y sis said never ever drive dad's car ever agn -.-
Let me ask u guys.. SOI o NOT lah??!!

Vodka <3 Lov3r updated at /
- 7:41 AM

My Folio

The name's Jellispie~
It is pronounce as Gel-is-P
But some of theres people called me "Jellypie"..But dno why -.-
Blows candle on 6th of Jan 1993 <= Remember that!! =P
I'll like to tell u guys dat never judge me when u dno me..D only person who can judge me is ME MYSELF & I
Living in a small city called "Kuching"
Lovely little town.
Just an ordinary 17y/o boy, loves travelling, hate doing stuff that I dont like


Ipod Touch
♥Sony VAIO Mint Green Edition
♥Nike Shoe(casual)
♥Nokia N97
Sony PSP
♥Travel - Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand etc Whole World
♥Slim Down T.T
♥More Cash
♥More Friend dhen Enemy
Titus watch
Ellesse watch
♥Tissot watch
♥Toyota Vios
♥Get good grades in SPM

My personal DickHeadDJ =D

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Handy Links 4 Moi

New Post

When im bored.....

Perez Hilton~Gossip Me Likey =P
Anime Comics~Comics` anyone??
Wikipedia~Everyone's gotta learn smthg ryte?
KennySia~Politician or Traveller??

Peeps i know

Amelia Chong
Alyn's first blog
Alyn's second blog
Benjamin Tan
Car0line Ho
Choon Hein
Daryl Sia
David John
Derek Alistair
Deidre Chew
Edmund Boon
Edward Lim
Evelyn Tan
Evon Weeeee
Gladys Lim
Hannah Chen
Ivan Poong
Jeeridyne Eve Chan
Jocelyn Chai
J0nathan Hii
Judy Yong
Karen Toh
Kee Fung
Kimberly Anne Possible
Kimberly Phua
Kuching Indoor Archery Academy
Leonard Bong
Lynn Chong
miao~'s cute comic blog
Michelle Ng
Samuel Sii
Sim Pei Yi
Tiong Ying~1
Tiong Ying~2
Valerie Teo
Yee Yen

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